Tuesday, September 13, 2011


10 Steps to Writing a Story – Broadcast Journalism

1. Find a topic.
-Theater productions,Sports,upcoming events.
-topic must be new worthy.
-know your audience do what applies to them.
2. Find an angel.
-ask questions based on what angel will be.
-focuses topic on a specific thing.
-fine if angel changes.
3. Collect information or data.
-location and time, schedule.
-past/history of something.
-where things go, where is it from.
4. Conduct the interview.
-Interview three experts on topic.
-ask them at least three question(should be written down before the interview.)
-ask open ended questions.(ex:why, how, what.)
-sound bite is a piece of audio that can stand on it's own.
5. Shoot your reporter stand up.
-the one time the reporter appears on camera on time.
-Stand up should appear in the middle.(may be on test)
-easier to shoot at end or beginning but best in middle
6. Organize your sound bites.
-choose order and location of interview choose best one.
-do it on computer.
-choose which you wanna do
7. Write segues(transitions)in your story.
-write information in between each sound bite.
8. Write the ends and outs of your story.
-what reporter says leading into your story and coming out of your story.
-anchor write scrip reporter helps write ins and outs.
9. Collect B-roll to add to your story (throughout steps 4-9)
-B-roll is all video footage you can use for you story
-want natural sounds.
*Steps 4-8 in your story are called the A-roll. 

-A-roll is all the audio in the story.
-do all A-roll first then put b-roll in. then put in footage.

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