Monday, September 12, 2011

online notes

Define “Broadcast Journalism” in 1-3 sentences.
Broadcast journalism is reporting on current events that are new worthy in the format of television, radio and internet.

List and describe the six criteria of newsworthiness.
1:significance-an event that effects a lot of people.
2:unusualness- something that is a rare occurrence, out of the ordinary or not the usual.
3:proximity-Care about things that are happening close to us.
4:Prominence-we care about important people (celebrities).
5:timeliness-currency of the event, want it to be recent.
6:Human interest- Fluff story that makes you feel good.

1 Construction.

2. kids in a band.

3. new restaurant

4. MN vikings

5. homecoming

6. volunteering

What are the differences between print journalism and broadcast journalism?
1.Broadcast journalism is much more current and quicker.

2.Print journalism allows you to choose what you wanna read. Broadcast you have to watch whole show.

3.Print journalism in in much more detail, in depth.

How is the Internet impacting broadcast journalism? 
 The internet allows you to combine the best of both worlds with print and broadcast journalism.

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